Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Let the sun shine in

Now that our trees have shed most of their leaves and the days are slowly getting colder, we've removed the trellis roof of our deck and our dining room now receives hours of warming sunshine (most days). We've hung a bird feeder (thanks Dad) right outside the window we dine at, affording us full views of our feathered neighbours. So far we regularly have sparrows, chickadees, nuthatches and cardinals. We also have a Dad-made platform which holds whole corn cobs for the blue jays and squirrels.

We have a finch feeder loaded with Nyjer seed (thanks to you-know-who) attracting house finches (no Goldfinches yet) and a suet feeder which so far is only attracting a Downey Woodpecker. Above the main feeder, Robin placed branches pruned off our Rose of Sharon bush to give some cover for feeding birds that might look yummy to passing hawks and, as the deck is raised, those feeding on the seeds that fall (like our juncos) are offered some protection from the local cat (until I can convince it's owner to put a bell on it's collar).
We're in the process of extending a heating vent from our furnace to help warm the room in the morning and evening, when the sun is too low, and we'll soon be insulating the crawlspace below.
In the meantime, it's warm socks and long-sleeves for me (I'm always hot anyways) and warm socks and an anorak for Robin (who'd wear a sweater at the beach).

It's all worth it to feel the glorious warmth of the sun while we're eating our breakie.

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