Monday, November 12, 2007

And, speaking of our pals ...

Our great friend Joanne was one of a small group of Native Elders invited to meet the Dalai Lama in Toronto. There are great pics on Joanne's blog and you can see her grandson Zachaire receiving a blessing. Zach seems as joyful as His Holiness! Joanne's daughter Tammy was lucky to be taking the pictures and therefore was able to enjoy it all, first-hand. You can learn more about Joanne and her work on her website, Healing Works.

Joanne, Tammy and Zachaire travelled to St. Thomas in September so that we could meet Zach who was born not long after we moved.

While here, Tammy helped me not burn our dinner on our new BBQ, which I had never used. I had received a crash course the previous week from friends Soo and Scott who had also come for a visit (they were horrified that I thought I needed to douse the charcoal with fuel in order to start the fire), but my new skills had never been put to the test. I stacked the bits of cardboard, newspaper and briquettes as per my training and everything went ahead tickety-boo. Well, we did loose a few bits of sliced veg but I perfer to think of that as seasoning the flame.

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