Saturday, August 11, 2007

Orchard Hill Farm

We belong to a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) which means we are sort of share holders in the harvest of a specific farm. Our farm is a magical, Eden-like place called Orchard Hill Farm and our "dividends" are our weekly supplies of organic produce.
Our pick-up day is every Saturday so we eat particularly well over the weekends.

It's an amazing feeling being so connected to your food that you know exactly what field it's being picked from and, if your lucky, you may have been the one picking it! I know harvesting your own crops isn't everyone's idea of down-time but it's surprisingly calming and we look forward to our few hours of work-share. Potatoes, broccoli, herbs, sunflowers, melon, lettuce, onions, heirloom tomotoes, corn and peppers were todays bounty.

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