Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Pickin' and Deckin'

We are still determined to live a happy life without traditional conveyance, as Brian would say (a.k.a. without a car) so it was with some faith that we set our hearts on a pick-your-own tree for Christmas, given the fact that most tree farms are not located within walking distance.
As luck would have it, our friends at Orchard Hill Farm have, for the past few years, held an annual evergreen tree sale. We were actually quite lucky to squeeze in this year as they’re basically sold-out; they're getting out of the tree business and growing their C.A.S. business.
In the words of Blanche Dubois, we've always relied on the kindness of strangers, so we borrowed neighbour Laura's car, the interior of which we protected with a tarp large enough to cover the exterior, and headed south to the farm.
Once there we met up with bro and s.i.l. who were on a tree-hunting mission of their own, and before long 2 trees had been felled and we all were busy tying and wrapping.

At home
our tree was quickly installed in it's stand and we decorated it while watching that warm and fuzzy holiday fav, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

Our colourful hodgepodge
of ornaments remind me of past Decembers and of friends who are longer with us, so decorating the tree is as much about 2007 as it is about the 43 years that came before. And with my folks enjoying their 50th Christmas as Mr. and Mrs., it’s also a celebration of their lives together, and our time with them.

Christmas often feels like “looking back” to me, in nostalgia and reflection, whereas New Year's Eve serves to focus me on my future goals and new horizons.

So as much as decorating the tree felt like the beginning of the Christmas season for me, bringing it home from Orchard Hill Farm really felt like New Year's.

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